One Skin with Dual Monitors (Skin working on just one monitor)
If you are using dual monitors and wish to use the DISPLAX Skin on only one monitor, you need to execute additional steps in Ubuntu to associate the DISPLAX Skin with the monitor where you want touch events active. Perform the following steps after ...
DISPLAX Skin works with Linux
DISPLAX Skin products work on every operating system (including Linux), provided it has an HID driver for multi-touch devices. Similar to other generic devices such as keyboards, mice, USB cameras, etc; if the operating system has the necessary ...
Rotate or Swap Touch Calibration - Linux
If you are using a Linux operating system, or any OS that doesn’t support DISPLAX Connect, you may need to rotate or swap the X and Y coordinates (for example: Raspbian, Ubuntu Mate or Raspberry PI 3). To do this just follow the steps below. ...